

(version: September 2017, phase: epichlorohydrin pilot)

1 General

The use of ProBioTracker from Ernst & Young Accountants LLP is subject to the terms and conditions and the limitations set out below. By accessing and using ProBioTracker, you agree to the terms and conditions set out below and the general terms and conditions for non-assurance services.

2 Use of ProBioTracker

While the greatest care has been taken in compiling and updating ProBioTracker, no guarantee can be provided for the accuracy and completeness of the information stated.
With the development of the current version of ProBioTracker we have aligned with the Working draft standard ISO/PC 308 N 7 Chain of Custody (CoC) — Transparency and traceability (version 2016-11-09) as much as possible. The aimed for standard is still being developed and therefore this ISO is not a final version. When the ISO for CoC is being established as a standard we will bring ProBioTracker in line with it if technically feasible. More information: ISO.

3 Privacy

When you register for and use ProBioTracker, you will be asked to provide the following details: name of company, company address, name, function and email address. Only the company name is visible to other companies and their users in the system and only one step upstream or downstream in the supply chain relative to the position of your company in the supply chain.
ProBioTracker is placed on a hosting server in a data center in the Netherlands. Your information will therefore be stored in the Netherlands.

4 Security

To prevent unauthorized access to personal and possibly confidential information, you will be sent a personal password by email. ProBioTracker can only be accessed after the combination of the personal email address and password has been entered via the login screen.
It is advisable to keep the personal password secure; you are yourself responsible for ensuring that this password is not used by unauthorized persons. Ernst & Young Accountants LLP is not liable for misuse of email addresses and/or passwords and is entitled to assume that you are actually the user if this user logs in with your email address and your password. If you suspect that the personal password is or may be known to an unauthorized third party, you are required to inform Ernst & Young Accountants LLP of this matter without delay.
The data traffic between you and ProBioTracker is encrypted on the basis of an SSL certificate. You can identify this certificate in the address bar by means of the padlock symbol and the prefix “https.

5 Use of “Cookies”

Cookies are used to enable correct operation of ProBioTracker. These cookies are used solely for operation of our software. A cookie is a small text file that is installed on your computer. Only technically necessary cookies are used: if you log in to ProBioTracker, a technical cookie is used to register that you are logged in along with your language preference. The cookie is necessary to identify you in every action. As it contains a unique code, there is no information that can be traced to your login details.
No use is made of tracking cookies or of cookies for statistical purposes.

6 Intellectual property rights

All data shown in ProBioTracker, including texts, photos, illustrations, graphics, names or tradenames, logos, goods and service marks, are owned by or licensed to Ernst & Young Accountants LLP and are protected by database rights, copyright, trademark rights and/or any other intellectual property right.
The intellectual or other property rights will not be transferred in any way whatsoever to legal or natural persons gaining access to ProBioTracker. You are not permitted to reproduce, forward or distribute the contents of ProBioTracker, or to provide these contents for payment to third parties, without the advance explicit written permission of the firm.
Ernst & Young Accountants LLP hereby grants you solely a right of use, which is non-exclusive and non-transferable, during the term of the agreement.

7 No liability

All liability for any damage due to the access to and use of ProBioTracker is expressly rejected by the firm. In addition, no guarantee is provided for error-free and uninterrupted operation of ProBioTracker.
Although the firm makes every effort to keep the content of ProBioTracker as up to date and complete as possible, it cannot provide any guarantee for the accuracy, validity, completeness or currentness of the information. The firm accepts no liability whatsoever in that connection.

8 Applicable law

ProBioTracker and this disclaimer are governed by Dutch law.

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